Literally Literature

your bookish destination

We Love Our Readers!

Frank Zappa surely said, "So Many Books, So Little Time!"
We are here to assist you in devouring the taste of books in the shortest time. Choose the path that is most convenient to you, we serve it all.
If you can not come to us, we will come to you!
Paperbacks, Hardcovers, Library Bounds, Mass Market Paperback - we deliver everything sooner than you ever anticipate.
Audiobooks! They count as reading too! We have a mass collection of audiobooks for FREE!

Authors! We Got Your Back!

If you believe you got what it takes to be the next best-seller, we are here to make it easy!
If you have the manuscript ready, post a part of it in your LL author account and our judges will read it!
We have some of the well-known literary agents in our judges panel!
They will represent you in a BIG5 deal and YOU DON'T HAVE TO WRITE A QUERY FOR IT!

Locations & Hours

City Corner
3223 Pinacle St. Quelong, MI 48222
Monday-Friday 10AM-8PM